Real Estate Photography
Our agents tell us that professional real estate photography is making a difference. We have been photographing many homes for multiple real estate agents in Winnipeg over the last few months. It was a great spring from our point of view, and the agents we have been working with feel the same way. They sold every home within days of listing, and most ask for the above. We have also seen countless times that our photographs have been able to assist in driving more traffic through the doors, sometimes without the need for an open house.
A couple of months ago, I wrote about enhancing curb appeal, and I can not stress enough the need for vendors to do what they can to spruce up or even clean up their yards. I know the grass is growing quickly, and with the rain we have had of late, it can be challenging to cut it before it gets out of hand, but when we show up to do photographs of a home, we can not “photoshop” in shorter grass. And while they are at it, consider pulling the weeds, planting a few flowers, and picking up any garbage that may have come into the yard. So why am I mentioning all of this now? Well, it has become apparent at a few listings we have photographed that it just needs to get done. Don’t get me wrong, I have had many great home yards, not overly landscaped with tons of flowers and plants, but just clean yards that have been well kept, with weeds eliminated, grass cut, free of garbage, and pet leftovers. I know I could be seen as preaching to the choir, as we have many great realtors as readers, and they do know how to prepare a home, but this is a reminder to the odd one out there or for the home seller that may need some assistance.
Another point that one can make is replacing or repairing downspouts, cleaning the eavestrough, etc. As photographers, we have shown up to many homes to see work that needs to be done, from dripping eaves to water trails that lead back towards the foundations. Some simple steps will help clean that up and ensure fewer worries to that potential buyer. A well-kept home sells quickly, as buyers recognize the care that went into preparing the house.
A point someone else had made that I thought was a great idea was to take a few quick photos of the house and yard yourself, as a homeowner or realtor, and you will often see things that stand out to you even more as you look at the photographs later. By preparing early and utilizing the services of a professional real estate photographer, you will be able better to highlight the positive aspects of the yard and home.
Need any ideas or assistance, let us know; we are always here to help.